Monday, October 27, 2008

Socratic Seminar and my future . . . they're related?!?!?!

Okay so our class has big issues with having everyone being involved with our discussions. Mr. Dye asked us how could we make it so EVERYONE participated in our discussions. I personally think that the reason only five people in our whole class comment is because no one else has any motivation to comment. They think "So what? What does this have to do with my life? Why should I care?" so they just stay silent and bored.
It's really your decision to comment or not, but the thing is, if you ask questions and add the conversation and THINK then you'll learn more. You just have to look within yourself and say "Okay, what do I want to be when I grow up?". I'll just use myself as an example for this because we already talked about it, so I want to be an oceanographer (underwater photographer). How in the world does Socratic Seminar help me with that? At first, most people would think, absolutely nothing. It seems completely irrelevant at first glance, but in reality it's not. It's completely relevant. How? It's all about point of view.
The photography world is very competitive and if you want to be that one famous photographer for National Geographic out of the hundreds of people that applied then you're going to have to be unique. You're going to have to show them that you can take a picture of an angle fish in a point of view that's never been taken before. Amazingly, Socratic Seminar can help you with establishing that point of view. You have to figure out how that picture relates to history, and you can't do that without knowing your history, right?
So next time you're in class and decide that the bell write has nothing to do with you and it just bores you to death, think harder. Do something different. THINK. Comment! Find out how what you're learning now relates to what you want to be when you grow up! You'll be surprised at exactly HOW relevant it is.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Value of reading the Canterbury Tales in class

Mr. Dye presents an interesting question: what is the value of reading the Canterbury Tales? I think that reading them isn't absolutely nessicary but is a good idea. They give us a good glimps into the middle ages and shows us that people back then really weren't that different then the people in the world today. I think if we read all the tales then we would find that we all could relate to at least one person.
Then there's the whole point that hardly anything was written about women or from them during that time period. We know hardly anything about the life of women back then and it's very interesting to read something from a woman's point of view because back then it was so rare.
Then there's the question of whether or not his class should read the Tales next year. I personally do not have an oppinion, but what do all you think? Should Mr. Dye make the students next year read the Canterbury Tales?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A riddle

Okay so I have no idea what to write for my second post this week so I decided I'd put a riddle on my blog for my second post for you all to puzzle over.

Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?

Friday, October 10, 2008

A poem

Devour me.
Breathing gets
A searching heart pounding in
My ears.
My blood.
My Head.
Black tears
Down my face.
Leaving their mark on my pillow.
. . . His beautiful face . . .
. . . His heady scent . . .
. . . His intoxicating kiss . . .
. . . His mouth-watering taste . . .
. . . His fire-velvet touch . . .
I wish . . .

ps- if this poem doesn't make any sence go to this link and hopefully you'll get a better idea! thanks!!371B661622607D96!371.entry#trackback

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Peter Pan From Wendy's POV (chapter 4)

“We’re home Lost Boys!” cried Peter as we descended down the dark wooden staircase.
“Wendy! Peter!” Michael ran to us and hugged us. “Guess what? One of the lost boys told me that one time he was almost eaten by a bear!” he exclaimed.
“Oh wow that’s scary!” I said, tousling his hair gently and smiling. “Sounds like you boys had fun while we were gone!”
“Yea! I’m gonna be an Indian when I grow up! Aoowaahhhhhyayayaya!” Michael ran around the room with two fingers behind his head with one hand and his other hand patting his mouth. The rest of the boys joined in with him, mimicking him.
“Alright that’s enough boys! I’m gonna go hunt a meal down for dinner! I’ll be back soon and when I do I’ll tell you all about it!” Peter shouted.
“Get a Humbalick, those taste the best in the world and they’re the most fun to catch!” One of the lost boys said, I didn’t know which.
“Oh yea!” Peter exclaimed. His eyes lit up and he sprinted out of the room.
“But what’s a . . .” I shouted after him, but I was too late. I shook my head and forgot about it. I guess I was going to find out. This land was so strange. I didn’t think I’d ever get used to it, but I guess I had forever right? I frowned as I thought about that. It reminded me of the conversation I had had with Peter in the fairies’ land, and I didn’t want to think about that at the moment.
“Wendy? Will you tell us a story? John and Michael told us that you tell the best stories in the world!” a small boy, no older than 6 years old, tugged on my nightgown as he asked this.
I looked at my two younger brothers and rolled my eyes. “Yes. I’ll tell you a story, but all you boys have to sit down and be quiet alright?”
The boys all immediately sat down where they were standing and looked at me with wide eyes. The room went silent.
I decided to tell them the story about Cinderella. I concentrated and got into the right kind of mood that I reserved for story telling. The mood made the stories come to life.
“Once apon a time . . .”

“. . . The clock struck midnight and Cinderella ran, leaving a glass slipper . . .” I recited.
“Wendy. I need to talk to you.” I jumped when I heard Peter’s voice behind me.
I turned around to face him. He had a frown on his face and his eyes were tight. “What’s wrong?” I asked, startled.
“Something’s not right. Come with me. Now.” He said with a serious tone.
“Um . . . Okay?” I said with a confused expression as Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me up the staircase and into the forest night.
We ran through the forest, though it was so dark I wondered how we weren’t running into the strange trees. We sprinted blindly for about 5 minutes with Peter dragging me behind him but then I started to get tired.
“Wait!” I stopped, crouched down, and put my hands on my knees, breathing heavily. “What. Is. Going. On?”
Peter glared at me in the moonlight. “We’re in trouble. There’s a Wangdoodle after you. He wants you as a slave.”
“What? What’s a Wangdoodle? A slave for what? Peter! What’s going on?! I’m scared!” I said, my words tripping over one another.
Peter rolled his eyes as if this was the most simple concept in the world. “We have to get you to safety Wendy! We have to go now! He’ll use you as a slave to tell him stories and somehow turn them against everything in Never Land! He’s always trying to take over Never Land, and you’re the key to his next master plan. While I was out hunting for the Humbalick I over-heard some of his other servants talking . . . Ugh we need to go now!” He grabbed my arm roughly and started running with me again. The look he gave me was so black that I didn’t argue farther.
We sprinted through more black trees until finally we reached a beautiful pool, clear as glass.
The pool was beautiful. It was completely smooth and the moon and stars reflected on the surface.
Suddenly, I was my head was in a daze and I started walking towards the black water.
“That’s right. Go to the water.” Peter crooned behind me, but I wasn’t listening. I was fixated with the reflection of the red moon at the far side of the pool.
My feet approached the edge of the water and I started into the pool. The water was warm and compelled me even more.
I descended down, the water getting higher up my body with each step I took, then I felt a hand grab my ankle but the only thing that mattered to me at the moment was the red moon.
I kept on walking towards my destination and another hand grabbed my other ankle. The hands were moving with my feet, keeping a tight grip on them, and then when the water got to my neck the hands pulled me under.
I screamed and closed my eyes, startled. I was surprised when I found that I was able to breathe, even under the water.
I opened my eyes and was yet again surprised that I was also able to see perfectly.
Something slimy was tied around my wrists and ankles. I looked down to see what it was and it looked like some sort of sea weed like in my own world, but just a little different.
The sea weed like rope was super strong and extremely long. I struggled against it but realized that I couldn’t move.
I looked at my surroundings and saw nothing but millions and millions of the sea weed like things.
I wondered how I got down here, for my head was now crystal clear, and then I remembered everything.
Oh no. I remembered something I had passed off as my imagination. That distinct symbol, the one that I thought I would never have any need for.
The shape shifters.
I remembered seeing that mark on the bottom of one of Peter’s feet when we were running. At first I had thought it was just a scar of some sort but now that I thought about it, I now realized that it was the exact same symbol that Peter had drawn in the ground this morning.
Did this mean Peter was a shape shifter? Or did it just mean that there was a shape shifter who had molded himself to look like Peter?
I remembered the black expression on Peter’s face just before he had taken me to this place, then I remembered the look on his face after I’d kissed him. I compared the two memories in my head side by side. They looked nothing alike.
The Peter who had trapped me here was surely a shape shifter. That made me feel better. All I wanted was for the boys and Peter to be safe, and nothing else mattered.
Then everything went black. . .

Gunpowder Or The Printing Press?

Okay so the Chinese invented two very powerful things: gunpowder, and the printing press. The question is, which one is more important or had a greater influence or whatever? I personally think that gunpowder is a lot more important. Without gunpowder we wouldn't have invented the very first guns and then those guns would have never lead to later modern day weapons, which we would basicaly be nothing without in war. The printing press is also very important, i just think that gunpowder is more important.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My childhood neighborhood

This story is inspired by today's journal writing prompt:

When I lived in my old house I had crazy neighbors. The family consisted of an over-protective mother, a crazy father, a cute little 3 year old blond boy, and the devil child. Nine year old Madaline. She was a violent little thing. She beat up her adorable little brother when ever she got the chance, which was almost always, and got away with it. Her mother thought she was a harmless little angle and everyone beat up on her, little did she know that everyone hated the little monster because she was always very rude to all the other children she played with and hit them and such when she didn't get her way. One day Madaline came over to our house to play with my little sisters. After a while I went to the back yard to check on the kids and to tell Madaline to go home. When I found her she was riding one of our scooters and when I told her it was time for her to go home she got angry at me because she wanted to say and started swinging the metal scooter at me. I dodged her attacks, but then she decided to put down the scooter and throw rocks at me. When I saw what she planned to do I just ran as fast as I could into my house to tell my parents that the devil child was after me. When my parents intervened she was then sent home finally and I survived the experience. Thank heavens for that! (Ha ha just kidding - I'm being dramatic even though this really happened to me when I was like 12 years old)