Thursday, September 25, 2008

My childhood neighborhood

This story is inspired by today's journal writing prompt:

When I lived in my old house I had crazy neighbors. The family consisted of an over-protective mother, a crazy father, a cute little 3 year old blond boy, and the devil child. Nine year old Madaline. She was a violent little thing. She beat up her adorable little brother when ever she got the chance, which was almost always, and got away with it. Her mother thought she was a harmless little angle and everyone beat up on her, little did she know that everyone hated the little monster because she was always very rude to all the other children she played with and hit them and such when she didn't get her way. One day Madaline came over to our house to play with my little sisters. After a while I went to the back yard to check on the kids and to tell Madaline to go home. When I found her she was riding one of our scooters and when I told her it was time for her to go home she got angry at me because she wanted to say and started swinging the metal scooter at me. I dodged her attacks, but then she decided to put down the scooter and throw rocks at me. When I saw what she planned to do I just ran as fast as I could into my house to tell my parents that the devil child was after me. When my parents intervened she was then sent home finally and I survived the experience. Thank heavens for that! (Ha ha just kidding - I'm being dramatic even though this really happened to me when I was like 12 years old)

Peter Pan from Wendy's POV (chapter 3)

Chapter 3:

I was temporarily blinded by the sun while my eyes adjusted. Peter was still holding my hand and I looked up at him, confused. “Where are we going?” I asked, a little annoyed.
“Oh you’ll see!” Peter smiled impishly and started running and dragging me with him and a stumbled along behind him.
We ran outside the curtain of leaves and onto the moss, running the opposite way we had come; through the trees and into a small clearing with a flat square stone in the center.
He stopped running and led me to the stone. It was so smooth it looked to be glass.
I gaped when I saw him sit on the glass-like white rock. I thought it would break under his weight.
When Peter saw the look on my face he just smiled at me in encouragement. “It’s okay. Do you trust me?”
“Yea, I guess I’m just a little scared. All this, this beautiful place and you . . . it all seems so unreal” I said in awe.
“You don’t have to be afraid. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Nothing will attack you while I’m with you. I have a reputation for keeping the bad guys away. They won’t get to me. Not now, not ever.” He said cockily. “Besides, where we’re going bad things don’t exist, they can’t, and if they try they just die. So you see? There’s nothing to worry about Wendy.” He smiled at me and his eyes sparkled.
I could tell he was anxious to show me whatever it was he wanted to share with me. I stepped on the stone and sat Indian-style across from Peter.
“Now take both of my hands and close your eyes.” He said quietly. I took his hands slowly, cautiously, and closed my eyes.
Suddenly I felt like I was falling. My eyes flew open and I let out a little scream.
Everything was white.
Off in the distance I saw a bright blue light getting bigger and bigger. What ever the blue light was, it was getting closer and closer to us.
I clutched Peter to me, afraid of what was coming at us so quickly, and hid my face in his shoulder.
“Shh . . . it’s alright. They’re just light fairies. Completely harmless. Look, they’re beautiful.” He stroked my long brown hair and cupped his hand under my chin.
When I opened my eyes we were surrounded by child-sized beings with wings fluttering too quickly to follow. Every single one of them had white-blond hair and pale blue eyes. Their skin glowed a brilliant blue light.
The scene behind us was jade green ferns and jungle-like trees. Everything sparkled, though there was no sun.
It was a perfect temperature and I could hear something that sounded like singing off in the background. I wondered where it was coming from.
Peter was right. They were beautiful. I wished I could look like that. I wished that I could fly.
“Well? What do you think?” Peter said, snapping me out of my reverie.
“It’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for showing me this, but why . . .” I crumpled up my face in confusion. I still didn’t understand the reason for him bringing me here.
“I just wanted to show you the best part of Never Land so that maybe it would be more likely for you to stay . . .” Peter looked down at his feet.
“What? Stay? Are you serious? We can’t stay here. We have to go back to our mother and father! We can’t just leave them at home! They’re probably worried sick!” I started panicking as this reality hit me like a shock-wave. “It was a stupid idea to come here in the first place! I can’t believe I let myself do this . . . and Michael and John . . . Oh no! What have I done?” I was hyperventilating, talking so fast that I could barely understand my own words.
“Calm down Wendy! Time stops in your world while we’re in Never Land. You have nothing to worry about. Besides, if you stay here you’ll never have to grow up and you can be a kid forever! Wouldn’t that be wonderful? We could have fun all the time and we’d never have to worry about anything!” Peter said, passionate, and then his tone changed and got gentler. “I don’t want to loose you. It’s better here with you. You can help me take care of the lost boys and tell those stories about Cinderella and Snow White . . . they really like stories. I need you. We all need you.” He touched my face lightly.
My heart was pounding in my chest. It felt like it was about to burst. I wanted to lean in and kiss him, like I had read about in my story books a million times over. Which surprised me. I had never felt like this before, but I liked it. I never wanted this moment to end. It seemed like I was in one of my books right now. It was so unreal.
I closed my eyes and touched my lips lightly, it only lasted a second, but that second seemed like an eternity to me.
I leaned back to look at how he had reacted. His face wore some emotion unfathomable to me but then slowly stretched into a smile. I smiled back at him sheepishly and looked down. I could feel my cheeks burning fire.
“Close your eyes.” Peter murmured. We started floating up and everything went white again . . .

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meant To Live

These are the lyrics to a song by Switchfoot called "Meant To live". I think alot of us can relate to these lyrics, not that I can myself right at the moment because I've having a totaly different problem, but yea. What do they mean to you? Please comment.

Fumbling his confidence
And wond’ring why the world has passed him by
Hoping that he’s meant for more than arguments
And failed attempts to fly, fly

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside

Dreaming about providence
And whether mice or men have second tries
Maybe we’ve been livin with our eyes half open
Maybe we’re bent and broken, broken

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside

We want more than this world’s got to offer
We want more than this world’s got to offer
We want more than the wars of our fathers
And everything inside screams for second life

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live
We were meant to live

The Koran

Today we had a discussion in class about the Koran. We taked about whether or not it's right for students to read the Muslim's holly book in school. My oppinion on the subject is this: I think it is absolutely right for students to read it, especially in today's world where practically everyone is afraid of Muslims because of what happened on 9/11. It can help us understand the culture better and help us get more out of our own religion. It can make us less bigated, pridefull, and racist which, in my oppinion, are all bad characteristics and are all big problems in today's world. We need to understand Muslims so we don't put a blanket punishment on them and discriminate them from anyone else.
There was a concern voiced in class by someone that reading the Koran could convert you to Islam and how that would cause problems. I really don't think that reading the Koran could just convert you to Islam. I'm not saying it's not possible, but that it's highly unprobable. First of all, we're not even reading the whole thing, and second of all, if you by some small chance were to convert to Islam just because you read the Koran then you probably aren't very strong in your own religion (which wouldn't make any sense concidering that the reason you wouldn't want to read it in the first place was because you're strong in your religion). So basically, in my oppinion, this really wouldn't be a problem.
Anyways, that's my oppinion. Please comment. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Peter Pan from Wendy's POV (chapter 2)

Chapter 2:

“Okay, this is what you have to do. Close your eyes and be completely silent.” he said as we all followed his instructions. “Now, do you feel something in the air? Something that feels all tingley and staticy? Something that feels like magic?” he whispered dramatically.
My heart beat loudly in my ears as he described the exact feeling I was having earlier.
“All you have to do is feel it and let it lift you up into the air. Believe that it can make you fly!” he said with an almost reverenced tone.
I felt it! What a strange feeling. I didn’t want to let it go. I wanted to embrace it . . . this, this magic . . . what ever it was, it felt amazing. The wind started to blow harder and whip around us like an invisible raging tornado. I tried to move, but I couldn’t.
“Don’t fight against it!” Peter yelled above the wind.
My bare feet left the bedroom floor for a moment then touched back down on the ground, only I could tell we were somewhere different.
The wind died down and I could suddenly move again. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at the most beautiful lake and waterfall I’d ever seen.
The sunlight reflected off the deep blue water and came back as sparkles. The lake was a perfect round circle and the waterfall seemed to be coming from the clouds.
Brilliant rainbows were coming from the mist that was made from where the waterfall hit the lake.
I looked down and saw millions of the most beautiful, unique wildflowers I’d ever seen.
The lush green grass was velvet beneath my feet.
There were trees in a perfect half circle, stopping at the face of the cliff that the waterfall was on. The trees all looked to be the same kind of tree, ones with metallic brownish bluish trunks and branches, and dark green leaves with the same strange metallic characteristic. They were so beautiful. I wanted to touch one.
There was a flowery smell in the air, but I couldn’t put a name to it. It smelled like nothing I had ever smelled before.
I could hear the faint bubbling of a stream somewhere, hiding in the wild flowers.
“Where are we?” I asked as I was taking this all in. I was so engrossed with the scene around me that I didn’t notice Peter standing right behind me.
He leaned his face over my shoulder and whispered in my ear “Never Land”.
I jumped and automatically moved my face towards his voice. I looked at him with wild eyes; his face inches from mine and just stared at his expression. He had that same mischievous smile and humor in his eyes. Then he jumped back and laughed.
His laugh startled me. It was so happy, like he had never had any pain in his life, ever. How strange.
“Let’s go and meet the lost boys!” he shouted and started walking towards the strange trees. We all exchanged puzzled looks but agreed to follow.
We had been walking through the trees most of the day but it was all either downhill or flat. I watched as the trees progressively changed color; from blue, to green, to purple, to red, to pink, and back again, all with the same strange metallic tinge. I silently wondered why that was.
Peter was talking cheerily through the whole long walk, talking about his strange little family of ten boys and all the adventures he had had with them. He told us what kind of creatures to avoid and what kind that was fine to be around and about what they looked like.
He twisted around and startled us when his voice suddenly turned intense. “. . . And most of all stay away from the shape shifters! They’re the most dangerous of all the creatures to avoid. They can make themselves look like anything or anyone they want to and deceive you perfectly into making you think that they are whatever they’re pretending to be. One time, there was this old lady whose husband died a long time ago. One of the shape shifters sensed this and decided to transform into a perfect replica of her husband. She followed the shape shifter, thinking it was really her husband and followed him all the way off a cliff and she died.
Shape shifters don’t die because they’re not really alive. They’re something in between. Something horrid. They kill for pleasure because they get board of everyday life.
They play tricks on your mind, but the only thing they can’t change is the distinct mark they have on the bottom of their feet.”
He stopped and drew an intricate symbol in the ground. “Memorize this symbol so if you ever suspect a shape shifter is trying to trick you then you can check for the sign! Don’t trust anyone!” he said with a serious look on his face.
The expression looked weird on his face, like it didn’t belong there. I wanted to make it go away. I quickly memorized the symbol and watched my brothers do the same. It wouldn’t be hard to remember, but I doubted I would ever need to use it.
“Got it?” Peter asked.
We all nodded, still too afraid to speak.
“Good! Let’s move on!” he smiled and started moving forward again.
After a couple of more minutes and Peter’s endless chatter the ground suddenly became all moss-like covered and squishy, but not wet. It felt kind of good to feel something squishy in between my toes. I was tired of walking.
A couple of yards ahead of us there was a giant willow tree. Peter held apart the curtain of leaves for us three to pass and as soon as we were through he walked to the huge trunk of the tree, which had a black metallic sort of look to it, and pulled out a small flute.
He played the loveliest tune I’d ever heard. It got higher and higher until the trunk of the tree started changing shape.
Suddenly there was a doorway and stairs leading down under the tree and Peter stopped playing. My eyes widened Peter started walking towards the entrance.
“Well come on, don’t be shy” he winked as he smiled at our frozen figures.
We started towards hole in the tree and walked down a wooden staircase. It was dark and had a musty woodsy smell.
We could see light ahead of us and when we got to it we entered a big room with a long wooden dining table with long wooden benches that all seemed to be made out of the same kind of black metallic wood. Everything was made out of wood. There were little oval holes carved out of the walls with something in them that looked like blankets and pillows.
I realized that those bubble-shaped holes must be the places where they slept. I wondered who they were, exactly. These lost boys. As if he was reading my mind Peter shouted “Oh lost boys!”
Silence, then the whole tree seemed to shake.
Boys started popping out from everywhere. I counted ten of them. They all looked similar to Peter. They all had tatters for clothes and had scars all over their skinny, underfed bodies. I immediately felt pity for these boys I had never met.
As soon as Peter was done introducing the ten lost boys he left them to play with John and Michael.
Peter turned to me, smiled, grabbed my hand and said “I want to show you something”.
I followed willingly and said “Um . . . okay?” I was still mystified by this boy but the curiosity overpowered the mystery. He led me back up the staircase and into daylight. . .


In Socratic Seminar we read part of a novel called Grendel which is essentially Beowulf from Grendel's POV (hence the name of the novel: Grendel). The two chapters were very interesting and a lot more interesting, in my opinion, then the original novel. It was much also a lot easier to understand even though it was quite a bit more obscene. We had a discussion in class on whether or not the material in the book was appropriate for our class. Some people thought it was okay and some people did not. We decided that it was all how you personally took it, so it would be okay for some people, and not so okay for others. I personally think that it really wasn't that awful because it gives you a totally different point of view and a totally new aspect on the story which I think is a very good thing for a story. It expands it so much more and can expand your understanding.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Peter Pan from Wendy's POV

Okay so this story has gotten wildly out of hand and has ended up being a heck of a lot longer than I originally intended it to be (isn't that the way with most things?). Oh well, I'm going to post the first chapter of my story today and post a chapter a week until the story is done. Please comment if you notice any mistakes or if you just want to comment because I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

Chapter 1

Night. The time of day where everything was quite. Finally. Sometimes I wished it would be this quiet when ever I wanted it to be. Taking care of two younger children with wild, noisy sprits could be exhausting. Mostly I just liked it because it was the time of day where I could think and dream, where I could live in my own fantasy world where anything I wanted to happen could happen.
I waited for sleep to come and consume me, but it wouldn’t. I was too agitated. There was a magic in the air tonight, so static and feral that it was almost tangible. Almost. I sat up against the dark mahogany headboard of my plush bed, propped my pillow up against my back, closed my eyes and tried to feel. My breathing got slower and quieter until it seemed like I wasn’t breathing at all. The magic grew more compelling, caressing my body, intoxicating me. My head swam; I was being drawn towards something . . .
A quiet creek from the windows’ hinges woke me from my reverie and I started as my eyes flew open. “Hello?” I squeaked. The long white satin curtains fluttered as a gust of wind flew in through the window. I shivered. I searched the room with my eyes and stopped at the mirror seeing a ghostly moonlit face with wide deep blue eyes staring back at me. She didn’t look anything like me in this moment, but she was me and I shivered again trying to forget what had just happened. I sank slowly back into my warm blanket and tried to sleep again.
Thunk. I jumped and gave a little gasp as I sat up. My body froze as I took in the image in front of me. A small crumpled boy was sitting on the floor doused in the moonlight crying. Why was he crying? He didn’t look like someone who would even be capable of crying. He had scars all over his darkly sun-tanned skin and had tatters for cloths which were clinging to his body in weird ways. His dark brown hair had leaves and twigs in it and looked like he had cut it himself, and with a jagged rock too! Despite all these facts, he was quite clean. I wondered why that was. It didn’t seem to fit with the rest of him. He looked like he should be filthy.
Was I dreaming? I didn’t know but what I did know was that I was curious. There was something about this boy, something about him that made him seem like he had popped right out of one of my story books that I loved to read. I shifted my body and kneeled on the bed while trying to make as little noise as possible, to not frighten the boy.
“Why are you crying?” My eyes widened as he lithely jumped up on his feet and turned to face me all in one swift movement. He tensed as if to attack and met my eyes with his bright blue gold-silver specked eyes and took in the surprised look on my face. As soon as he saw my expression he smiled and relaxed his position.
He folded his arms across his chest “I wasn’t crying” he said with a mischievous smile stretched across his face. I blinked. “What’s your name?” he said with a smirk. He was clearly enjoying my speechlessness.
“Uhhh . . . Wendy . . .” I breathed. “Who are you?”
“Peter. Peter Pan. Pleasure to meet you Wendy.” he smiled and bowed. He looked like he was mocking me. He straitened up his body. “Uh . . . well . . . now that I’ve got my shadow back . . .” he said sheepishly.
“Shadow?” I said, still in a daze. This must be a dream. It wasn’t making any sense.
He chuckled at my confused expression and said, “Never mind, I’ll just leave now . . .” he started walking towards the window balcony. He leapt up on the rail and looked back at me and frowned. “Unless . . . maybe . . .” he said torn between something that was unfathomable to me.
“What is it?” I said quietly, not wanting to wake my brothers. His face lit up and got that same mischievous look he wore the first time.
“Wanna go on an adventure?” he said as he jumped back off the rail.
Of course I did! This must have been the reason the magic was in the air tonight. I looked over at my brothers’ sleeping forms. I couldn’t just get up and leave them.
Peter must have read the expression in my face “. . . you know . . . you could bring them too if you wanted . . .”
I looked back at him and he smiled in encouragement. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, excited, “John, Michael wake up!” I said loud enough to awaken them. I flicked on the light switch and shook them gently.
“What’s going on?” John said in a sleepy voice as he rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses.
“Huh?” yawned Michael.
“We’re going on an adventure boys!” I said, still excited.
“What are you talking about?” said John, stretching his arms.
“Peter Pan is going to take us on an adventure!” I said and gestured to the boy standing in the window with his hands on his hips.
“Are you guys ready to fly? We’re going to Never Land where we can have fun all the time!” Peter said with his mischievous smile.
“Yah!” the boys said because as soon as they looked at Peter the immediately trusted him. He was like a magnet, you wanted to be around him and you wanted to do what he was doing. John and Michael, still in their night things, ran to either side of Peter. I cautiously walked forward and felt the wind push my nightgown against my body. I shivered again but kept on walking forward.
“Are you ready?” he said with ecstatic eyes. We all nodded, holding our breath, waiting . . .

Poems/Beowulf Bonfire

Hey guys! So what do you think about us memorizing poems and sharing them at the bonfire? I think it sounds way fun and exciting but unfortunately I won't even be able to go! I'm so sad! I really wish I could go because it would seem like it's going to be a very neat experience. You guys will just have to tell me what it's like when you get back. Leave your comments on what you think about memorizing poems for this thing and what you think about the bonfire. Thanks!