Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Peter Pan from Wendy's POV

Okay so this story has gotten wildly out of hand and has ended up being a heck of a lot longer than I originally intended it to be (isn't that the way with most things?). Oh well, I'm going to post the first chapter of my story today and post a chapter a week until the story is done. Please comment if you notice any mistakes or if you just want to comment because I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

Chapter 1

Night. The time of day where everything was quite. Finally. Sometimes I wished it would be this quiet when ever I wanted it to be. Taking care of two younger children with wild, noisy sprits could be exhausting. Mostly I just liked it because it was the time of day where I could think and dream, where I could live in my own fantasy world where anything I wanted to happen could happen.
I waited for sleep to come and consume me, but it wouldn’t. I was too agitated. There was a magic in the air tonight, so static and feral that it was almost tangible. Almost. I sat up against the dark mahogany headboard of my plush bed, propped my pillow up against my back, closed my eyes and tried to feel. My breathing got slower and quieter until it seemed like I wasn’t breathing at all. The magic grew more compelling, caressing my body, intoxicating me. My head swam; I was being drawn towards something . . .
A quiet creek from the windows’ hinges woke me from my reverie and I started as my eyes flew open. “Hello?” I squeaked. The long white satin curtains fluttered as a gust of wind flew in through the window. I shivered. I searched the room with my eyes and stopped at the mirror seeing a ghostly moonlit face with wide deep blue eyes staring back at me. She didn’t look anything like me in this moment, but she was me and I shivered again trying to forget what had just happened. I sank slowly back into my warm blanket and tried to sleep again.
Thunk. I jumped and gave a little gasp as I sat up. My body froze as I took in the image in front of me. A small crumpled boy was sitting on the floor doused in the moonlight crying. Why was he crying? He didn’t look like someone who would even be capable of crying. He had scars all over his darkly sun-tanned skin and had tatters for cloths which were clinging to his body in weird ways. His dark brown hair had leaves and twigs in it and looked like he had cut it himself, and with a jagged rock too! Despite all these facts, he was quite clean. I wondered why that was. It didn’t seem to fit with the rest of him. He looked like he should be filthy.
Was I dreaming? I didn’t know but what I did know was that I was curious. There was something about this boy, something about him that made him seem like he had popped right out of one of my story books that I loved to read. I shifted my body and kneeled on the bed while trying to make as little noise as possible, to not frighten the boy.
“Why are you crying?” My eyes widened as he lithely jumped up on his feet and turned to face me all in one swift movement. He tensed as if to attack and met my eyes with his bright blue gold-silver specked eyes and took in the surprised look on my face. As soon as he saw my expression he smiled and relaxed his position.
He folded his arms across his chest “I wasn’t crying” he said with a mischievous smile stretched across his face. I blinked. “What’s your name?” he said with a smirk. He was clearly enjoying my speechlessness.
“Uhhh . . . Wendy . . .” I breathed. “Who are you?”
“Peter. Peter Pan. Pleasure to meet you Wendy.” he smiled and bowed. He looked like he was mocking me. He straitened up his body. “Uh . . . well . . . now that I’ve got my shadow back . . .” he said sheepishly.
“Shadow?” I said, still in a daze. This must be a dream. It wasn’t making any sense.
He chuckled at my confused expression and said, “Never mind, I’ll just leave now . . .” he started walking towards the window balcony. He leapt up on the rail and looked back at me and frowned. “Unless . . . maybe . . .” he said torn between something that was unfathomable to me.
“What is it?” I said quietly, not wanting to wake my brothers. His face lit up and got that same mischievous look he wore the first time.
“Wanna go on an adventure?” he said as he jumped back off the rail.
Of course I did! This must have been the reason the magic was in the air tonight. I looked over at my brothers’ sleeping forms. I couldn’t just get up and leave them.
Peter must have read the expression in my face “. . . you know . . . you could bring them too if you wanted . . .”
I looked back at him and he smiled in encouragement. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, excited, “John, Michael wake up!” I said loud enough to awaken them. I flicked on the light switch and shook them gently.
“What’s going on?” John said in a sleepy voice as he rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses.
“Huh?” yawned Michael.
“We’re going on an adventure boys!” I said, still excited.
“What are you talking about?” said John, stretching his arms.
“Peter Pan is going to take us on an adventure!” I said and gestured to the boy standing in the window with his hands on his hips.
“Are you guys ready to fly? We’re going to Never Land where we can have fun all the time!” Peter said with his mischievous smile.
“Yah!” the boys said because as soon as they looked at Peter the immediately trusted him. He was like a magnet, you wanted to be around him and you wanted to do what he was doing. John and Michael, still in their night things, ran to either side of Peter. I cautiously walked forward and felt the wind push my nightgown against my body. I shivered again but kept on walking forward.
“Are you ready?” he said with ecstatic eyes. We all nodded, holding our breath, waiting . . .

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