Thursday, September 25, 2008

Peter Pan from Wendy's POV (chapter 3)

Chapter 3:

I was temporarily blinded by the sun while my eyes adjusted. Peter was still holding my hand and I looked up at him, confused. “Where are we going?” I asked, a little annoyed.
“Oh you’ll see!” Peter smiled impishly and started running and dragging me with him and a stumbled along behind him.
We ran outside the curtain of leaves and onto the moss, running the opposite way we had come; through the trees and into a small clearing with a flat square stone in the center.
He stopped running and led me to the stone. It was so smooth it looked to be glass.
I gaped when I saw him sit on the glass-like white rock. I thought it would break under his weight.
When Peter saw the look on my face he just smiled at me in encouragement. “It’s okay. Do you trust me?”
“Yea, I guess I’m just a little scared. All this, this beautiful place and you . . . it all seems so unreal” I said in awe.
“You don’t have to be afraid. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Nothing will attack you while I’m with you. I have a reputation for keeping the bad guys away. They won’t get to me. Not now, not ever.” He said cockily. “Besides, where we’re going bad things don’t exist, they can’t, and if they try they just die. So you see? There’s nothing to worry about Wendy.” He smiled at me and his eyes sparkled.
I could tell he was anxious to show me whatever it was he wanted to share with me. I stepped on the stone and sat Indian-style across from Peter.
“Now take both of my hands and close your eyes.” He said quietly. I took his hands slowly, cautiously, and closed my eyes.
Suddenly I felt like I was falling. My eyes flew open and I let out a little scream.
Everything was white.
Off in the distance I saw a bright blue light getting bigger and bigger. What ever the blue light was, it was getting closer and closer to us.
I clutched Peter to me, afraid of what was coming at us so quickly, and hid my face in his shoulder.
“Shh . . . it’s alright. They’re just light fairies. Completely harmless. Look, they’re beautiful.” He stroked my long brown hair and cupped his hand under my chin.
When I opened my eyes we were surrounded by child-sized beings with wings fluttering too quickly to follow. Every single one of them had white-blond hair and pale blue eyes. Their skin glowed a brilliant blue light.
The scene behind us was jade green ferns and jungle-like trees. Everything sparkled, though there was no sun.
It was a perfect temperature and I could hear something that sounded like singing off in the background. I wondered where it was coming from.
Peter was right. They were beautiful. I wished I could look like that. I wished that I could fly.
“Well? What do you think?” Peter said, snapping me out of my reverie.
“It’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for showing me this, but why . . .” I crumpled up my face in confusion. I still didn’t understand the reason for him bringing me here.
“I just wanted to show you the best part of Never Land so that maybe it would be more likely for you to stay . . .” Peter looked down at his feet.
“What? Stay? Are you serious? We can’t stay here. We have to go back to our mother and father! We can’t just leave them at home! They’re probably worried sick!” I started panicking as this reality hit me like a shock-wave. “It was a stupid idea to come here in the first place! I can’t believe I let myself do this . . . and Michael and John . . . Oh no! What have I done?” I was hyperventilating, talking so fast that I could barely understand my own words.
“Calm down Wendy! Time stops in your world while we’re in Never Land. You have nothing to worry about. Besides, if you stay here you’ll never have to grow up and you can be a kid forever! Wouldn’t that be wonderful? We could have fun all the time and we’d never have to worry about anything!” Peter said, passionate, and then his tone changed and got gentler. “I don’t want to loose you. It’s better here with you. You can help me take care of the lost boys and tell those stories about Cinderella and Snow White . . . they really like stories. I need you. We all need you.” He touched my face lightly.
My heart was pounding in my chest. It felt like it was about to burst. I wanted to lean in and kiss him, like I had read about in my story books a million times over. Which surprised me. I had never felt like this before, but I liked it. I never wanted this moment to end. It seemed like I was in one of my books right now. It was so unreal.
I closed my eyes and touched my lips lightly, it only lasted a second, but that second seemed like an eternity to me.
I leaned back to look at how he had reacted. His face wore some emotion unfathomable to me but then slowly stretched into a smile. I smiled back at him sheepishly and looked down. I could feel my cheeks burning fire.
“Close your eyes.” Peter murmured. We started floating up and everything went white again . . .

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