Tuesday, September 9, 2008


In Socratic Seminar we read part of a novel called Grendel which is essentially Beowulf from Grendel's POV (hence the name of the novel: Grendel). The two chapters were very interesting and a lot more interesting, in my opinion, then the original novel. It was much also a lot easier to understand even though it was quite a bit more obscene. We had a discussion in class on whether or not the material in the book was appropriate for our class. Some people thought it was okay and some people did not. We decided that it was all how you personally took it, so it would be okay for some people, and not so okay for others. I personally think that it really wasn't that awful because it gives you a totally different point of view and a totally new aspect on the story which I think is a very good thing for a story. It expands it so much more and can expand your understanding.

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