Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Koran

Today we had a discussion in class about the Koran. We taked about whether or not it's right for students to read the Muslim's holly book in school. My oppinion on the subject is this: I think it is absolutely right for students to read it, especially in today's world where practically everyone is afraid of Muslims because of what happened on 9/11. It can help us understand the culture better and help us get more out of our own religion. It can make us less bigated, pridefull, and racist which, in my oppinion, are all bad characteristics and are all big problems in today's world. We need to understand Muslims so we don't put a blanket punishment on them and discriminate them from anyone else.
There was a concern voiced in class by someone that reading the Koran could convert you to Islam and how that would cause problems. I really don't think that reading the Koran could just convert you to Islam. I'm not saying it's not possible, but that it's highly unprobable. First of all, we're not even reading the whole thing, and second of all, if you by some small chance were to convert to Islam just because you read the Koran then you probably aren't very strong in your own religion (which wouldn't make any sense concidering that the reason you wouldn't want to read it in the first place was because you're strong in your religion). So basically, in my oppinion, this really wouldn't be a problem.
Anyways, that's my oppinion. Please comment. Thanks!


McCall said...

I totally agree with you. Many people are racist or prejudice to Muslims because a few Muslims have caused terror in the United States and other countries. I think that the Koran could not convert you unless, like you said, you aren't strong enough in your own religion. Reading the Koran and studying about Islam is perfectly fine to do in school- in my opinion.

Alex said...

I agree. But would you say reading from the Qu'ran and not, oh say, the book of mormon, is favoring a religion?

Célie said...

I don't think it's favoring a religion because the only reason we read a small portion of the Koran was because we were doing a unit on Islam. Plus I think that reading the Book of Mormon in school would be a lot more contrivercial (I have no idea how to spell that word) than reading the Koran, but I also think that if we were to do a unit on the time of Joseph Smith and all that jazz then we would probably read a small portion of the Book of Mormon too. It all depends on how you look at it.